Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hello everyone, here is the link to poem so you can re-read it for the homework questions. I've also included other links and videos that you should check out for further understanding of this tragic event. Those who have the History Channel should check out the documentary tonight called 102 minutes that changed America. It airs at 10pm Kosova time and should be a great film depicting the events as they unfolded on 9/11/2001. See you guys tomorrow in class.
Link to the Remember 9/11 poem from class,%202001

This is a really good news broadcast from the BBC that sums up the day's events.

Check out also for personal accounts from the people who lived through it.


kossy said...

Hi teacher,thank you very much for this work with 11/9 you helpt us very much, I will look the videos again.
See you tomorrow, have a good night.

Munky said...

There wasn't much discussion in some of my classes today with the exception of 6th period (Junior 2?)I'd like to hear some of your thoughts on this issue.

Munky said...

Copy and paste the address below, or go to the world history blog and see what kind of work a sophomore has done on the 9/11 topic.

Munky said...

Opps that didn't work. Go to www.degaetano-worldhistory. and check out the comments.

kossy said...
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kossy said...

wwwoooowww. It is really good what sami wrote i read it...

I want to say something too..

The date of the massive terrorist attack on the United States, resulting in the collapse of the World Trade Center's twin towers and surrounding buildings, and part of the Pentagon building. The attack, carried out by members of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist organization, occurred on September 11 (9/11), 2001

I hope you will like it...!!
See you tomorrow in class.

aLbuLena r. said...

Hi teacher, the videos are very interesting and they were helpfully for the work.

However..Have a good night, and see you on monday.
Bye Bye.

shpendbytyqi said...
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shpendbytyqi said...
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shpendbytyqi said...

OK, we all know what a terrible event happened on September 11, 2001.

There were some key personalities that were involved in 9/11 events. Some of them are:

- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Captured)
Was the "architect" of the "Holy Tuesday operation" (Al-Qaeda name for 9/11). He was arrested 2003 in Pakistan and is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay.

- Osama Bin Laden (Wanted)
The creator and leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization. He is the first most wanted terrorist by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

- Mohamed Atta (Dead)
The leader of the 19 plane hijackers. He was also a part of the AA Flight 11 which was the first one to hit the World Trade Center. He is also known as a part of the "Hamburg Cell".

- Marwan al-Shehhi (Dead)
The hijacker of the flight UA 175, which was the second plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. Also a part of the "Hamburg Cell".

- Ziad Jarrah
The Hijacker of the UA 93 flight, which was supposed to crash on the "White House". After the pressure of the passengers he crashed the plane near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Also a part of the "Hamburg Cell".

These were some of the key terrorists that executed the 9/11 attacks. By now, you have probably been asking yourself what is the "Hamburg Cell".

The "Hamburg Cell" as named by the US and German Intelligence is a part of the Al-Qaeda and it is made by the above-mentioned and some other terrorists. They emigrated, lived and got their education in Germany. After their education they all enrolled into pilot training courses and used their gained skills to take part in the 9/11 attacks. Most of them are dead or captured. Only few of them are still free and wanted.

If u wanna know more about this part of Al-Qaeda use the link below.

Now that we got known with the starring actors let's do a little bit of analysis on this event.

As I already mentioned the attacks occured on september 11, 2001 in multiple locations within the US.

Approximately a month later on November 9, 2001 a video was broadcasted worldwide showing Bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda members admitting that they were the ones that organized the attack.

Bin Laden and some of his associates admitting their involvement in the 9/11 attacks:

Referring to Al-Qaeda there were some reasons why they attacked the US.

1. A response to the US presence in the Middle East.

2. An attempt to increase the reaction against the US presence in the Middle East which would create a chain reaction starting from US withdrawal from the region, fighting the non-Islamic governments and replacing them with Islamic ones.

3. The so called "religious duty" which says that every Muslim should "fight" to spread the Islam.

After the 9/11 event the US responded by attacking in some locations like Afghanistan and Iraq. In Afghanistan they replaced the Taliban government with a democratic one and for the first time in Afghanistan, free and democratic elections were held. Hamid Karzai was the most voted politician and he still remains as the President of Afghanistan.

Later on there was an attack organized by the US Military on the Tora-Bora mountains which served as a hideout for Bin Laden and the rest of the Al-Qaeda. What makes Tora-Bora a good hideout is a base and couple of outposts built in the early 1980s by the CIA during the Soviet-Afghan war. Somehow Bin Laden got out alive from that battle which was the final one during the fighting of Al-Qaeda and Talibans.

For more visit the links below

Bin Laden is still being hunted and there are still no 100% sure facts that would determine whether he is alive or dead. Benazir Bhutto, the recently murdered Pakistani politician has declared that Bin Laden is dead. Personally I think that those declarations are the reasons why she is dead now because Al-Qaeda did not want the world to know that their leader is dead, they still wanted the world to fear them.

Benazir Bhutto's speech where she mentions Bin Laden's death:

These were some opinions from my point of view. I have also posted some interesting links below:

That is all for now, have a great weekend everyone and see you in Monday.

Egzona said...

What I did on 9/11, after I got home from school.
I checked out some videos on youtube about the 'jumpers', how they call them. Because in class I almost cried just because of that one picture Mr. Degaetano gave us. It's the most dreadful thing I have ever seen. At one moment, at home, I even felt ashamed of calling myself human. Because the people who did this were human too. What I then don't understand is how Bin Laden still has followers, I can't understand that those images fo jumping people doesn't effect them at all. I guess nobody never will. So I just would like to say that we should always remember the brave people who died that day and the bravest people who choose anothers person life above theirs.


I was about 10 years old , when 9/11 happened , but I remember it very well.

I was back home from school and I saw my grandmother going crazy ,trying to get in touch my uncle who was in New York.
I asked my dad "what's going on?" , he was like :"oh nothing really".
I went in living room and I saw the towers falling .. I was like "GOD" this can't be real ..It really looked like in those action movies even worse... I was shocked.!

Munky said...

Excellent comments ladies and gentlemen. Bravo Shpend for doing some research and posting about what you found. In the short time I've known you I can already confidently say that you will succeed in what ever you chose to do in life. I completely understand your comments Egzona. It takes a rare kind of person to commit evil, and thankfully, there aren't too many truly evil people in this world. Thanks Besa for the personal experience.Great job again you guys.

Krenare Juniku said...

Today in Jeff's class we watched a part of a documentary about 9/11.I don't know if you've seen that but if you don't it will be good to watch it.It was very tells some " facts " that tells us that American government knew about whats going to happen(and a part of job was done by Americans).And a lot of interesting stuff like that.It really makes you confuse.